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Tweet Synthesiser

as a Field

for Thinking Collaboration

TweetSynthesiserThis system aims to make a website cooperate with Twitter
for Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Creation on fabulous Drupal.It is being developed by TransNetCreation and is still in development now.

TatsuyaTNCTatsuyaTNC  TransNetCreation


2010-09-16 20:3124655694587


TatsuyaTNCTatsuyaTNC  TransNetCreation

Freelance Web developer especially using Drupal in Japan. I would like to be a semiotician, a social ecologist and a piecemeal social system engineer, too.


TatsuyaTNCTatsuyaTNC  TransNetCreation

「きれいな月だよ・・・今夜も二人で歩かないか」 忌野清志郎 & 仲井戸麗市 - 夜の散歩をしないかね

2015-05-02 23:57594515983357726720