Think Future, Imagine Alternative, Create Real!
TweetSynthesiserThis system aims to make a website cooperate with Twitter
for Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Creation on fabulous Drupal.It is being developed by TransNetCreation and is still in development now.

TatsuyaTNCTatsuyaTNC  TransNetCreation

「この日記を始めてよかったこと」 DIARY :: AROUND THE CORNER :: 20101209001 |

2010-12-09 23:3112877098943254528

TatsuyaTNCTatsuyaTNC  TransNetCreation

「今は、色んな意味で、曲がり角なんじゃないだろうか」 DIARY :: AROUND THE CORNER :: 20101208002 |

2010-12-08 13:3612364985581699072

TatsuyaTNCTatsuyaTNC  TransNetCreation

「日記「DIARY :: AROUND THE CORNER」を始めます」 DIARY :: AROUND THE CORNER :: 20101208001 |

2010-12-08 13:3612364897488732160

TatsuyaTNCTatsuyaTNC  TransNetCreation

それでも、清志郎さんが歌っているように、内ポケットのトランジスタラジオは今も鳴り続けている(と信じたい)。ということで、John の命日の本日2010年12月08日に、日記「DIARY :: AROUND THE CORNER」を始めます。

2010-12-08 04:0012219875795668992


TatsuyaTNCTatsuyaTNC  TransNetCreation

Freelance Web developer especially using Drupal in Japan. I would like to be a semiotician, a social ecologist and a piecemeal social system engineer, too.


TatsuyaTNCTatsuyaTNC  TransNetCreation

ATWIAD, that was released on April 21, 1985, is my favorite Prince album. Especially side one including "Paisley Park" is so great!

2016-05-03 07:35727265258763481089